
Lyrics auto-extract and edit example

Auto-extracted Vocals/Drums/Bass/Other stem remixing example

Manage kaiDJ's database

The first thing you have to do with kaiDJ is to create a database:
  1. click on the "Add folder to Db" button Add folder to Db button to open a file browser.
  2. browse your disk and select the folder where your songs are located. Click on "Ok" button.
  3. kaiDJ starts scanning your folder to add all songs in its database. After that, all your songs should be displayed in the left list with [UNKNOWN] titles and authors
  4. kaiDJ starts analyzing ID3 tags of each song file to find its title, author and duration
  5. when all songs are properly displayed with their titles and authors, kaiDJ is ready to play
You can add new songs to the database at any moment using the above procedure.
Click on the "Erase Db" button Erase Db button to clean the whole database and create a new one.

Manage the playlist


Play a song

Double-click on the song you want to play in the playlist (right) to load it on a player and start it toplay.
If a song is already playing on a player, kaiDJ will load it in the other one, and will automatically start to mix them.

Pre-listen a song

When you click on a song, it is automatically loaded in the pre-listen player (top-left). As for other players :

Search a song

Enter a text in the text field above the database list. All songs containing this text either in the title, the author or the folder disk path will be displayed in the database list.

Save / load a playlist

You can load / save playlists as standard m3u or m3u8 (Unicode lists) preserving kaiDJ's groups definitions. But, if these playlists are updated by another software, the groups definitions can be lost.
You can load / save playlists using the dedicated kaiDJ's XML format to be sure to preserve all informations.

Manage categories

You can classify your songs by categories to find them faster. You can create as many categories you want. A song can be in several categories at the same time.

This tool is a demonstration of our know-how.
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